
What To Do When the Customer is Right… and You Are Wrong
Service providers live by the mantra that, “The customer is always right.” It’s cliché but true – so it makes sense that more and more

Howazit vs Typeform: The Customer Communications Showdown
Sometimes, a proxy just won’t cut it. The jury may still be out as to whether name-brand Coke is indeed better than a generic can

Howazit vs SurveyMonkey: An Evolution in Customer Communication
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent of the species that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

Chatbots, Data Cleansing, and the Art of Customer Experience
Every customer experience is an opportunity – a clean canvas on which to paint a picture of your brand and show them you care. Since

The Story of CX and EX: Advancing Employee Experience Through Customer Experience Innovation
Over the years, Human Resources (HR) as an industry has followed the lead of the Customer Experience (CX) field and adopted common practices. Employee engagement

Why Building Your Own Patient Engagement Platform Might Not Be The Best Idea
‘Bedside Manner’ epitomizes one of the most fundamental challenges in the world of healthcare – the organization’s pressing need to work on critical tasks, while

Exploring 2023: The Emerging Trends in Customer Experience
As we close out the year and enter a new one, it’s a great opportunity to look ahead and review the Customer Experience (CX) trends

All you need to know about chatbots and their impact on Customer Experience
What is a chatbot? Chatbots are software programs that simulate human conversations in a virtual environment using artificial intelligence and natural language processing. It can